Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012


I bought this book when I was pregnant, but she never had any interest in it until about two weeks ago.  Now she's on a kick where she only wants to read this Biscuit story compilation, before every nap and night.  We are so sick of it.  But tonight we were floored to discover that she pretty much has the entire 191 page book memorized.  She read us two other stories before we grabbed the camera.

These videos are useless unless you can read the text on the pages, and I think the video screen is too small to see the words, so I will type out the text.  Hopefully you can hear through her stuffed-up nose that at least one sentence per page pretty decently matches up with the book.

Here, Biscuit!  What have you found?
Look, Biscuit.  It's a bunny!
Silly puppy.  Don't be shy.
Good puppy! That's the way!
See, Biscuit.  Bunnies like lettuce and carrots.
The bunny likes your doll.  We can name the bunny Dolly.
Dolly likes your blanket, too!  Sweet puppy.  You always know how to share.
Oh, Biscuit!  It's always fun to make a new friend.

"Biscuit, where are you?" called the little girl.
Silly puppy! What are you doing under there? I'm sorry, Biscuit. This picnic is just for kids.  You and Puddles can run and play.  Go on, puppies.  Go and play!
Wait, Biscuit! Come back, Puddles! Where are you going with that food?
Look!  Biscuit and Puddles are having their own picnic --
and the birds want to join them.
Even Daisy wants to have a picnic.
"Careful, Biscuit!" said the little girl.  "Watch out for the --
"Biscuit is covered in cake!" the little boy giggled. "Oh, Biscuit," said the little girl. "What do we do now?"
"Funny puppy. You're right, Biscuit," she said. "We can all have a picnic together!"

Friday, August 17, 2012


The first is lyrics from Backyardigans:

Zoid zoid zoid
Zee zee zee
The horse is on my head
and it makes me dance with glee.

And on the show Yo Gabba Gabba, a celeb guest teaches kids a dancey-dance.  She is making up her own dancey-dances now.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


This baby needed to go to the doctor...

...and this baby needed a diaper change.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012